NonProfitTaxFraud: Success!

Press Release Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Town of Wolfeboro Wins Tax Assessment Appeal
of Taylor home at Back Bay

The Citizen: Wolfeboro wins appeal on Taylor Home exemption

"We will not grant the benefit of a charitable tax exemption to a residential housing development which happens to operate under the corporate umbrella of a charitable organization..." the court wrote"

"Since 2002, the home has been paying its full tax bill to the town of Wolfeboro under protest. Chandler characterized the dispute as a philosophical difference, maintaining that the home wanted to make a payment as a gift to the town instead of a mandated tax bill. " A Philosophical Difference between Laconia and Wolfeboro? Bullshit.


Exclusive Interview

We had someone come to us recently with information on how the Taylor Community did business with their grandmother. They are very crude and certainly out for profits. These people know how to take advantage of the elderly - Don't let them do it to your loved ones.

Interview with a concerned citizen regarding her grandmothers recent experiences with the Taylor Community

Her real name has been substituted

Carley: When you get a minute, I have to tell you something about the Taylor Community
NonProfitTaxFraud: i'd love to hear it
Carley: so listen... my grandmother had this nice house on the lake, and then she decided she might not be able to afford the taxes, so she contacted the taylor community
Carley: their nice people there helped her sell her million dollar house, set her up in a little place in their houses, and told her there weren't taxes because they were a non profit. However, she pays MORE to them then she previously paid in taxes
Carley: so I went there to see her, and its scary. I don't like it there, and neither does she, but they conned her into it because she is old. There is this red button in the bathroom you push in case of emergency, and I pushed it because it is red, and no one ever showed up.
NonProfitTaxFraud: oh wow, see thats what im talking about
Carley: oh I know
NonProfitTaxFraud: and now they own the house regardless
yes. they bought her house and sold it to someone
did they buy it under market value
Yeah probably. The price was reduced several times
NonProfitTaxFraud: spread the word, you can clearly see what is going on here, this cannot go unnoticed. these people are rediculous
thats why I told you
keep fighting the good fight.
what were trying to do here is only a small thing compared to the problems in todays world, but every little thing you can do to help others counts, especially when it is something so tightly knit within our communities like the taylor community is becoming. It will begin to affect us and people we know before long.

We sold the name to the Taylor Community to avoid legal troubles. Apparently "people" who were supposedly interested in the community were visiting this website instead of their useless .org website. From now on you can access this page by the url of

I was able to meet with a Taylor Community representative by the name of Howard Chandler who met me in wolfeboro riding on a new Harley Davidson and cut me a check straight from the "Non Profit" Taylor Community Bank Account.


History and Commentary by Maximus M.

There is indeed a bizarre rituallistically oriented cult developing within our midst. The Taylor Community: austensably a quiet retirement community in a lightly trafficed, wooded glen, has sprung up quietly over the past five years. But just who are these "Taylors"? I've resaearched this topic on and off for the past three years now, trying to determine just what we're up against. It appears that this group or more appropriately this "collective", was first organized in Alabama shortely after the civil war; this under the guidance of traveling preacher Samuel L Taylor d.1914. Taylor had been traveling all throughout the impoverished and destitute lands south of the mason dixon searching for an ear to hear his message; a spiteful message of vengeance and destruction, which preyed on peoples innermost hatreds and fears.

For five years now this tightly organized group of practicing Taylors, mostly from out of state with pasts of which we know little, has been growing and spawning within the "nest" the tranquil accepting town of Wolfeboro. Little would the friendly citizens of fair Wolfeboro suspect that their quiet peaceful town was being used as a base from which the taylors may branch out to overtake the entire north east.

Before the shackles of slavery are laid upon us we must rise together to protect ourselves from the inner threat.


*Ideas presented on this website represent the bliefs of the respected authors, please make up your mind for yourself when reading this page.


  • On, their official website, they have printed at the bottom, "A New Hampshire Charitable Non-Profit Organization" At 200k+ each per house they aren't nearly a non-profit organization.These people sell their quater million dollar concrete slab, cookie cutter homes for 200-250k, plus charge anywhere from $700-1000+ a month dues. And when the elderly person dies, the home does not even stay in the estate of the diseaced. Someone is clearly out for profit.
  • The geography of the Wolfeboro Taylor Community landscape is as follows. One side is the massive algae ridden swamp pictured at the top of this website. The other side is the Wolfeboro Sewar Treatment facility and next to that is a saw mill, not a lumber yard, but a saw mill...the kind that mills raw tree stock into marketable lumber. Appealing.
  • Ironically enough, the same park benches placed all around downtown Wolfeboro are the exact same benches on the front lawn of the Taylor Community development. (sat in and studied both and proved this to be true)
  • Houses are estimated at $150-250,000 yet they are placed directly next to and down wind of a sewage treatment facility. (If you could afford a house this expensive, wouldn't you get one where it didn't smell like processed sewage nearly twelve+ hours a day during the summer months)




Since there is much going on and is expanding as rapidly as locusts on a federal reserve farm we decided to set up this section in order to inform you as of what is going on in the Taylor Community.


Click Here for Exclusive Access
to the Taylor Activity Log




Photos taken outside the Taylor Compound with a Nikon F3HP and a Nikon 600mm f/4D IF-ED AF-S II Nikkor Lens.

Front Entrance

Typical Taylor Community Bench

The Back Entrance Road : Taylor North



Are chained to the ground, could this be a metaphor for how they control and restrict their society? The same society we believe they will slowly try to impose on us?

Where the Taylor Community entrance is now, once laid the house of Wolfeboro resident, Peter Brewitt. It caught fire and burned to the ground nearly eight years ago. The housing development, known now as the Taylor Community sprung up into existence just seven close years after the fire. As you know, the Taylor Community could have no other entrance. The other side borders a sewage treatment facility.



Please take a minute to leave your comments. We hope to gain feedback from audiences of all religious and racial backgrounds on this controversial subject. With your comments, we can hope to break down the ever-existing questions, which stand in the way of the truth. We deserve the truth.

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Observing the Ever-Changing Taylor


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E-mail us and we will find out
Your insight is welcomed


We had someone come to us recently with information on how the Taylor Community did business with their grandmother. They are very crude and certainly out for profits. These people know how to take advantage of the elderly - Don't let them do it to your loved ones.

Read to learn more...

Click for the Interview


Reader Support

We would like to thank all the individuals who have shown their support by emailing us or posting to the guestbook. I would also like to entertain the idea for a minute if I may that some people don't get what we're trying to do here. Regardless, I've since fixed the mistakes

To: <>
Subject: T-comm humor
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 11:46:28 -0500

Additional Information
D.M. Bentley of Forest Rd.,
Wolfeboro NH, 603-569-152* says:

Not humorous, not even close, and, oh, by the way, your spelling is poor, your sentence structure is weak, and your subject matter is less than appropriate. Real humor is defined by accuracy, parallelism with reality, and timing.

T-Comm responds: Humor cannot be defined by one persons opinion.

From Kevin: Posted on Wolfeboro Online Forums, September 2004

"Participants of the Wolfeboro 500 have been feeling a nervous gut with each passing of Taylor Drive. For years the Taylor Community has been establishing an iron grip over strategic areas of the Lakes Region, and for years, dedicated souls have been trying to expose the truth. Someday, hopefully not to late, residents will awaken and take heed of this immediate danger.

To sound cliche, the truth IS out there. We are so fortunate to have such highly motivated individuals on our side. One mistake by the Taylor Community, and we shall finally know the meaning of their existance."




Here are directions to the Taylor Community if you would like to do a little exploring of your own. We must warn you, if you do not plan on exiting your vehicle, put all windows up, and set your ventilation to recycle inside air. 80% of the time we have been there has been an unbearable smell. Could this be some archaic form of security to keep would-be thieves at bay?






All Material Copywrighted and Protected by the shitty DMCA - T-Comm Website Established 2002

These were the observations of the people who chose to belive based on what they see.
We are here to deliver the truth. Be an Independant thinker; make up your own mind.