Exclusive Interview
We had someone come to us recently with information on how the Taylor Community did business with their grandmother. They are very crude and certainly out for profits. These people know how to take advantage of the elderly - Don't let them do it to your loved ones. Interview with a concerned citizen regarding her grandmothers recent experiences with the Taylor Community
Her real name has been substituted
Carley: When you get a minute, I have to tell you something about the Taylor Community
NonProfitTaxFraud: i'd love to hear it
Carley: so listen... my grandmother had this nice house on the lake, and then she decided she might not be able to afford the taxes, so she contacted the taylor community
Carley: their nice people there helped her sell her million dollar house, set her up in a little place in their houses, and told her there weren't taxes because they were a non profit. However, she pays MORE to them then she previously paid in taxes
Carley: so I went there to see her, and its scary. I don't like it there, and neither does she, but they conned her into it because she is old. There is this red button in the bathroom you push in case of emergency, and I pushed it because it is red, and no one ever showed up.
NonProfitTaxFraud: oh wow, see thats what im talking about
Carley: oh I know
NonProfitTaxFraud: and now they own the house regardless
Carley: yes. they bought her house and sold it to someone
NonProfitTaxFraud: did they buy it under market value
Carley: Yeah probably. The price was reduced several times
NonProfitTaxFraud: www.nonprofittaxfraud.com spread the word, you can clearly see what is going on here, this cannot go unnoticed. these people are rediculous
Carley: thats why I told you
Carley: keep fighting the good fight.
NonProfitTaxFraud: what were trying to do here is only a small thing compared to the problems in todays world, but every little thing you can do to help others counts, especially when it is something so tightly knit within our communities like the taylor community is becoming. It will begin to affect us and people we know before long.