The Kingswood Super-Center

As Summer Draws to a Close...

The above picture was taken from Chris Sanantonio's house at a going away to college party during the middle of August. This was a really good summer - Had a lot of fun with everyone, see you next summer!

Party 8-24-01

We had a small party at alex's house to slowly end off summer 2001 right... Lots of requests to post this one, too bad we didn't take more pics (one more in party pics section (HERE))

The Taylor Community - Why Wolfeboro?

This site serves to unravel the mysteries of the taylor community and it's inhabitants. For months now we have been watching the development of an elitist community forming unnoticed without our closely knit town of Wolfeboro. This website is to serve as a tool for the people who can see through the curtain of lies

Find out more... (HERE)

Gothic Babe of the Week

If your into the darker side of life check out The Gothic Babe of the Week (HERE)

There are some hot ones, and most of them would kick my ass or scare me pretty good if i wasnt expecting them in the middle of the woods... late at night drinkin' beers and talking about Bill Braski...

NH Police Frequencies

Go HERE for a listing of all the NH police frequencies. These are helpfull to use to program your scanner so you know when societys saviors are coming to bust you for stupid shit.

P.S. We live in carroll county

155.610 - Wolfeboro Town Police

Mobile Home of the Month

Say, do you want your yard to bore future archaeologists? Of course not!! Except for the rubbish of our forefathers, we wouldn't know doodly-squat about history. It's never too late to start your own future dig site AND earn money while you accumulate, like this canny North Georgia family. For a steady income, first check the local landfill to see what they won't take. Though it is unclear in this picture, this family spray-painted "Happy Birthday Jesus" on the side of the house, because it's like Christmas every day around here!

And remember Kids, Joey Says... "All Photos listed in the 'party' sections are copyrighted. Any downloading to store, or printing of these photos for any use is illegal due to the DMCA act. (Digital Millennium Copyright act.) Photos were all modified in Adobe Photoshop"